It comes from France! and choux paste makes a pastry bag. It's baked.
and it's filled ice cream, whipped cream, and custard, pastry cream, (Japanese ppl like putting bean paste)
topped with chocolate sauce or caramel glaze.
More Japanese-ness on this website:
The filling comes in custard, chocolate, caramel, apple cinnamon, sakura, honey lemon, rum raisin, strawberry, maccha, cappuccino, chestnuts, pumpkin, sesame, and earl grey. I swear, japanese people are so creative.
This cream puff is from a Japanese Douce Patisserie called Monteur. OMG only 105 yen. that's like $1 and a bit.
My mom used to buy us シューアイス。懐かしい。。
and my grandma used to get us jumbo cream puff from Cozy Corner! Loved it.
can't really tell the jumbo-ness in this pic :(
and can't forget this one:
always smells soooo gooood whenever i pass by it.
I just checked their website and noticed they now sell mochi ice cream in Beard Papa's in the U.S. wow..
cream puff deprived.....